Monday, February 23, 2009

and the heart break goes to... ME!

the Academy awards passed by with it's usual fuss and glamour. i would have sat in front of the TV for the whole time and drooled over the clothes the stars were wearing. i personally loved KATE WINSLET's gown.

the guy i was in love with for a year and a quarter broke my heart.

february born people are losers when it comes to love.
my birthday is february 6th.

and so life must go on. my heart was once broken before and i spent 3 months wasting my life on wondering what went wrong. for a year i didn't get an answer. and so i spent a year being miserable.

when finally, MR knight in shining armor came. he swept me off my feet.
he made me feel like i never did. and i spent every waking day looking forward to seeing him for he made me really happy.

and so after a year and 3 months of spending every day with the hope of walking down the aisle with him, he told me he had fallen out of love and was seeing a new girl. could you imagine how painful it was?
after all the promises and assurances, i felt rejection, and disappointment. but i was also accomodating so many emotions then. my dad had a stroke and he was in the hospital for a week... so you know, anger did not have a place in my heart anymore.
i was so tired that day for i spent it at the hospital. i was so stressed out.

i wanted to think that this was all a nightmare. but when i woke up, no one was there to take care of me.

i got a heartbreak again. and kate winslet got an oscar.
how lucky am i?

im still waiting for my happily ever after.
but it's time for me to party once again.:)

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